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Dapps transaction on ETH reached its historical high in the past two months

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform on EOS/ETH/TRON, Dapp transactions on EOS/TRON/ETH is 3,520,973 , 1,090,506, 68,505 respectively.

Dapp transactions on EOS/ETH/TRON shows downward trend in the past month

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform on EOS/ETH/TRON, there are 343 active Dapps (transaction is above 0 ) on EOS with 111,331,934 transactions, which decreased 1.35% compared with last month.

Average transaction volume of ETH Dapps increased by 34.79% in the past month

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform, the Dapps transaction volume of EOS/TRON/ETH last month is $728,945,752.64, $387,566,154.16, $253,931,932.08 respectively.

45 Dapps on EOS/ETH/TRON which weekly transaction is more than 100,000 in the past week

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform, there are 45 Dapps on EOS/ETH/TRON, weekly transaction is more than 100,000 in the past week (EOS 36, TRON 9), which decreased 2.2% compared with last week. While Casino Dapps account for 62%(28 casino, 5 games, 5 market, 1 risk, 6 other type).

Dapps on EOS outnumber ETH in daily active users and transactions

For daily active uesrs, Dapps on EOS is 10 times that of ETH. For the transaction volume, it is 4 times that of ETH yesterday.

Average weekly transaction volume is increasing for Dapps on EOS & TRON Platform

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform, there are 197,529 active users on EOS, 146,596 on TRON, 43,532 on ETH for the past week.

Active Dapps on EOS/ETH/TRON show an increasing trend compared with last month

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform, Active users on EOS & TRON & ETH are 151,799, 62,522 , 12,538 respectively. There are 230 active Dapps on EOS yesterday, increased by 13.3% compared with last month.

GitHub Code submission status for ETH/EOS/TRON/NEO/IOTA Platform

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform, top ranking by market cap are: ETH, EOS, TRON, IOTA and NEO. The number of code submissions in the past month is IOTA(953)>ETH(835)>EOS(477)>TRON(414)>NEO(57), of which IOTA is the largest code submissions accounting for 8.39%, while TRON only accounts for 2.97%

Active users for Dapps on EOS increased by 68.77% in the past month

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform, active users for Dapps on EOS & TRON & ETH are 407,961 users, 295,291 users, 119,247 users respectively in the past month.

Average transaction volume of ETH Dapp is 20 times that of EOS and 11 times that of TRON.

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform, transactions on EOS, TRON, ETH are 27,823,075, 8,810,218, 456,583 respectively. Transaction volume is $156172182.31 on EOS, $90689475.75 on TRON, $52593619.49 on ETH

Analysis of Dapps weekly active users, especially EOS Global

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform on EOS/ETH/TRON , Dapp transaction volume in the past week were EOS($151,924,375), TRON($89,620,588), ETH($55,535,577), of which the volume of TRON increased by 81%.

There are 5 Dapps with over 10,000 new users in the past week

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform on ETH/EOS/ TRON, there are 684 Dapps with active new users last week. And there are 5 Dapps with more than 10,000 new users, EOS GLOBAL with 98,579 users, Fishing Master with 16299 users, TRON Hi-Lo with 16,288 users, Win.town with 16279 users, TronSolo with 10259 users respectively.

The average daily transaction volume on ETH Dapp is five times that of EOS and TRON

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform,  there are 145,652 active users on EOS, 70,597 active users on TRON, 13,493 active users on ETH on April 25th. The volume on EOS is $19,566,800.55, ETH is $9,102,745.38, TRON is $5,934,883.68. The average volume per user on EOS is $134.34, ETH is $674.63, TRON is $84.07, which decreased 7.59%, 6.09 %, 49.1% separately compared with last week.

Daily Dapp active users on EOS performed well in April, while daily transactions decreased 11% compared with last month

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform, there are 63,962 daily active users with 11,086,158.1EOS transactions on EOS in January 2019. Average 88,411 daily active users with 5,972,534.82EOS transaction in February.  Average105,608 active users with 4,283,089EOS transaction in March. Average 143,865 daily active users in April, which increased 124.92% compared with January. Daily average transaction is 3814.27.77 EOS, which decreased 65.59% compared with January.

Analysis | Over 80% DApps' transactions on TRON is from Casino DApps

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform, there are 26,612,223 transactions on EOS which decreased 5.4% compared with last week, 471,238 transactions on ETH which increased 4.53%,6,921,684 transactions on TRON which decreased 15.56%; While Casino Dapp transactions accounted for 59.53% on EOS, 24.29% on ETH, and 85.58% on TRON respectively. 

Active users on ETH, EOS, TRON, IOST decreased separately compared with last period

According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform, there are 3,804,765 transactions on EOS, 992,811 transactions on TRON, 401,832 transactions on IOST, 62,576 transactions on ETH.

The Active Time of 8 New DApps Exceeds over 1000 Hours on TRON

The POWH3D and FOMO3D development team selected TRON platform to release new DApp games, and released some DApp images that will be launched recently. According to RatingDapp and RatingToken's Ecology Monitoring Platform, there are 129 DApps released on TRON since March, of which 71% DApps' active time exceeds more than 100 hours.

70% new DApps' active time on Ethereum is less than 4 days

According to RatingToken and RatingDapp's Ecology Monitoring Platform, there are totally 55 DApps released on Ethereum since March, 2019. 70% newly releasing DApps' active time is less than 99 hours, 25% DApps are even less than 10 hours.

Twitter Activity Index of ONT is very close to TRON. TRON still leads the way in Twitter Active Index

RatingToken and RatingDapp's Ecology Monitoring Platform tracked 10 projects on Twitter’s Activity Index, TRON still leads the way with twitter active index of 260.4 in the past 30 days. At the same time Twitter activity index of ONT is very close to TRON, which is 251.71. Twitter active index of ONT increased 168% compared with last month.

25% Dapps without active users on EOS and ETH last week

There are 299 Dapps with active users on EOS, 394 Dapps on ETH, 239 Dapps on TRON. On the contrary, there are 153 Dapps without active users on EOS, 145 Dapps on ETH, 37 Dapps on TRON.